How Do I want To Feel? 2017 Goals

For the past couple of years I have set goals for 6 categories. This year 2017 isn’t just going to be about crossing things off my list, it’s going to be about how I want to feel.2017 Goals

Being off for the last 10 months has given me time to think about who I am, and the person that I want to be.  I’ve come  long way in overcoming my anxiety and PTSD but this year I want to take things further.   There are certain people and situations both past and present that have been and are triggers for me. These triggers open folders in my subconscious reminding my of a hurt from my past.  I react to these triggers with the fight of a heavy weight champion, consuming me with a disproportionate anger  that is exhausting.

For 2017 I want my life to be less about drama and the desire to be in control.  Focusing on nurturing important aspects of myself and my life, such as my well being- mental and physical- my relationships, and my career.  In 2017 I want to feel calm and balanced, I want to forgive the past, release the future and SHOW UP for the present.

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