How do YOU want to feel in 2018?- Goal Setting

2018 goal workbookIf you have been following along with my blog over the last few years then you know that I am a goaldigger. 😉 Each year I post a blog outlining my goals for the year, following up with a 6-month check in and an end of year follow up.

In 2017 I decided to switch up my goal setting process.  Instead of just crossing achievements off my list,  I wanted my process to include the feelings I hoped to have after achieving  my goals,  and the person I wanted to become.

This is part two of my three part goal setting series. This article is going to help you achieve your desired #2018FEELS  while improving your life!  I created an 8 page workbook that you can download for free!

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How do I want to feel in 2017 -6 month Check-In

2017 GoalsI was reluctant to do this point, but it forced me to read my original objective of the year and provided a much needed reminder. At the beginning of this year, I decided that 2017 isn’t just going to be about crossing goals off my list, it’s going to be about how I want to feel.

 For 2017 I want my life to be less about drama and the desire to be in control.  Focusing on nurturing important aspects of myself and my life, such as my well being- mental and physical- my relationships, and my career.  In 2017 I want to feel calm and balanced, I want to forgive the past, release the future and SHOW UP for the present.  

So how have I been doing?

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