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2016 Goals

For the past couple of years I have set goals for 6 categories; personal, family, business, health, spiritual, and financial. I am changing up the categorizes slightly for my 2016 goals; fitness, family, fun, business, and financial.

I am setting my 2016 goals with apprehension; I am uncertain what to expect for this coming year and the changes it will bring. It seems self-defeating to be setting goals for a life that I am familiar with while preparing to enter unfamiliar territory. With that being said, I will continue to maintain my goal setting practices with the optimism that I will be able to find a hybrid between the present and the future. So without further ado, my 2016 goals…..

Fitness Goals:

In terms of fitness goals this year I’m going to focus on reestablishing my fitness routine post pregnancy. Ideally I would like to work towards 4-5 one hour workouts a week with one long run, however with a baby to take care of I am not sure if that is realistic.

Health & Fitness – Yoga

I have always wanted to practice yoga but with my busy schedule I have never been able to incorporate it regularly. I hope to take up yoga at the local community center at least once a week for 2-3 months to help with postnatal recovery. For me this will be about discipline, focus and recovery.

Health & Fitness – Running Race

I am registered to run the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon May 1st however my due date is March 16th. This leaves a month and a half to recover from delivery and start to log the miles… which may not be realistic or safe with a new baby in my care. I am disappointed with this since the BMO is my favorite run of the year, but I can still take in the positive energy by cheering on the runners. 🙂

I do plan to purchase a jogging stroller, I currently have my eye on the Mountain Buggy Terrrain Stroller. I have been told that it’s wise to try out a jogging stroller before making the purchase as some babies don’t like the motion. My hope is that the running I did in the first 4-5 months of pregnancy in addition to the cardio I’ve maintained throughout will help to make the motion of the jogging stroller more familiar for the baby. If all goes well my running goals for 2016 will be as follows:

  1. June 5km ChildRun

  2. June 10km Blueshore Financial Longest Day Road Race

  3. June 17 10km or Half- Scotiabank Half Marathon

  4. August 13 SeaWheeze Half Marathon: sold out :(if I can find someone selling their spot.

  5. Oct 23 Vancouver Rock’N’Roll Half Marathon

  6. Nov 13 10km or Half Fall Classic

Family Goals

Since I will be off on maternity leave for most of 2016 I hope to take a more active role in the cooking and grocery shopping helping to ensure we have plenty of healthy snacks on hand, and home cooked meals prepared.

I say this with the awareness that 2016 will bring with it changes that I cannot even fully begin to imagine. We have no idea the temperament of our newest member, let alone the upheaval we are about to undergo. I think it would be unrealistic of me to set goals for this category, adding unnecessary pressure to the demands of new motherhood. So although I say “I hope to,” my main objective for our family will be ensuring that everyone continues to feel loved and respected, while taking care of our newest member.

Fun goals


Being off I should theoretically have more time to coordinate fun outdoor activities. We already have a MEC Happytrails Child Carrier Backpack which I plan to put it to use on nature walks and light hikes as soon as the baby is old enough. With that being said the baby may not like this carrier or have the temperament for this activity, so we will have to see how things go.

Fun Runs:

We had so much fun last year that we plan to do the Color Me Rad 5km again on May 14th My Step Daughter would like to try the Vancouver Pure Protein Night Race on September 23rd. Registration is pretty pricey at $50 per person, but we can keep watch for a discount at one the runs or fitness expos we participate in throughout the year. Maybe we will get lucky and find a Groupon or Social Shopper deal.


I’d also love to be able to take the kids on a camping trip this summer, but baby under the age of 6 months and camping in a tent sounds like a lot of work and not very relaxing. A more realistic vacation might be a summer rental if we can find something that fits our budget, otherwise we may have to skip the summer vacation this year.

Business Goals

I will be off on maternity leave for the majority of 2016 making business goals for my full time job a moot point for the time being. However I do intend to read the following business books with the new Kobo e-Reader I received for Christmas.

With regards to my fitness business I would like to achieve the following:

  1. Blog a minimum of twice a month

  2. Once I have a grasp on my new responsibilities I would like to start teaching and training twice a month.

  3. I would like explore the idea of incorporating some sort of Baby and Me or Stroller Fit Classes into my skill set.

Financial Goals

Given that I will be on maternity leave for the majority of the year making 60% of my full time salary our family expenses increase by one person, my goal here is simple…maintain the financial progress I made in 2015, while budgeting to avoid unnecessary debt.


As I move into 2016 I will I navigate this new and uncharted territory of my life with the tenacity, and enthusiasm that I bring to all life’s challenges. I will work on adjusting my focus being more relaxed, and patient, while continuing to listen to what makes my heart happy.

2016 will be a miraculous year!!!

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