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If you have been following along over the years, then you know that the year end brings us to another Three-part goal setting SERIES.  In this post I will review my wins for 2020 as well as the areas I fell short. In part two I will review my goal setting process and offer a FREE workbook for download.  Part three, is where I share my 2021 goals and #2021Feels.  If you are interested you can check our my full January 2020 Goal post here.

I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2021 OUR best year yet!

First is has to be said…..

There is no denying that 2020 was a tough year for the world.

For all its eventfulness 2020 has been a lost year, in so many ways.  On top of the enormous and global loss of human lives, the pandemic has paused both global, but personal progress, and it has forced countless celebrations (including our wedding) to go online or to be postponed.

What is especially challenging about postponing or giving up on plans at this moment is that the future is even more uncertain than normal.  Books are written, buildings built, weddings are planned, and children conceived all in the present, but always with the future in mind.   The uncertainty of the pandemic seems to have robbed us of that that reference point for our daily activities

2020 has also been a Year of waiting…. waiting for a vaccine, waiting for the end, waiting for a change.

But 2020 has also been a year of tremendous learning and transition.

For me 2020 was supposed to be about doing the things I wish I had more time to do.  And although I was not able to achieve this on the levels I had intended. I certainly had the TIME to clarify what those “things” are. 

2020 Goal:


Strong, Fulfilled, Nourished- I am proud that although I didn’t exceed my expectation or break any records, I managed to stick to my health and fitness regime through 8 months of a pandemic.


Nourished, Service, Worth–  Although I didn’t read the 10 books I set out to read I did manage to read 4, so almost half.  I did start to be kinder to myself and treat myself with more grace.


Fulfilled  & Nourished  I had more than my fair share of family time, and selfcare.  However, I did not get in a new activity or hike but that had a little to do with the circumstances.


Worth, fulfillment, Service– I did not take any new course or workshops, and I did not teach much this year given the closure of gyms and community centers. Despite this I feel that the break and time to reevaluate has been a business success on its own.

I was able to publish my first article at Vancouver with a bonus follow up article featuring some of my favorite local businesses.

I  found an online community that engages and supports each other which has been transformative  for me in so many ways.


Worth and Fulfillment- Fell short here, I tried for a few months, but I fell off the wagon as usual. Any tips on making this fun or simple, please send my way.

Special mention

Finally in the areas of Fulfillment and Service, I didn’t really feel like this belonged in any of the categories above, but in a category of its own.

This year I was incredibly proud to be a part of of a R ECORD Breaking year for the annual Kate Booth Stocking Drive.  Within my community of coworker’s, friends, family,  local community members and business,  we raised a record 115 stocking. Surpassing our previous reorder of 100 in 2010 and 2015.  Bringing us to a total of 873 stockings collected over the last 10 years. ???? ????


2020 threw many lemons our way, and we did our best to make Margaritas.  They were a bit salty, but we made the best of things. I am cautiously optimistic that 2021 will be better   So as I close the door on another year of Fitness, Family, and Fun I open another door to a new year of possibility.

Wishing you a Joyous New Year!

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