At the beginning of this year, I declared my goals for 2016 with 5 categories; fitness, family, fun, business, and financial. I did this with apprehension, uncertain what to expect for the new year with a baby.
We’re 8 months in, and at this point I can confidently say that I’m on the road to finding a hybrid between my past and my future.
Before we get started
It should be said that time management, organization, and getting things done are some of my greatest strengths. These strengths helped me excellence both professionally, and personally. Pre-baby I CRUSHED do-to-lists, I was able to juggle working full-time, teaching, training, and a family. Now, like most new mothers, to-do-lists are nagging reminders of everything I need, or want to do, and all the time I don’t have. I do things, then I redo them again, and again…….and again…… its a productivity nightmare. Despite this new and less productive speed, I still manage to find time for what is important. Not as much time as I had in the past, or as much as I would like, but I’ll take what I can get. Now let’s have a quick August goal check-in.
Fitness Goals:
My main fitness goal was to focus on reestablishing my fitness routine post pregnancy. Ideally 4-5 one hour workouts a week with one long run. I am happy to report that at 5 months post postnatal I have successfully achieved a regular fitness routine. I’ve been able to complete 3-4 one hour workouts a week, yet to implement one long run. Its still too soon for my little babe, and because my pelvic injury is still healing. I still have 4 months and I am confident by year end I will out logging the Km’s.
Health & Fitness – Yoga
I have always wanted to practice yoga but with my busy schedule I never had the time. Being off work you think I would have all the time in the world….after all doesn’t a baby sleep all the time???? WRONG! Carving out this time has proven to be a more challenging than I thought. My family is already so supportive, helping while I go to the gym, looking or more time seems greedy. As a compromise I have started incorporating at home yoga videos, and am hoping to attend Kid & Family Yoga at Perfect Hearts Yoga.
Health & Fitness – Running Race
I was registered for the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon May 1st however I knew with it being so close to my due date there would have been no time to train. Plus with the added injury from my fall this was definitely not a possibility. I did take in the positive energy by cheering on the runners in both the BMO Marathon and the Scotiabank Marathon.

The race goals listed for the year will not be achieved as I recover from my fall, instead I have been rehabbing and working with a pelvic floor specialist.
Family Goals
“I hope to take a more active role in the cooking and grocery shopping helping to ensure we have plenty of healthy snacks on hand, and home cooked meals prepared.” BAHHHAHAHAH ….oh how naive I was!!
My my main objective was to ensure that everyone continues to feel loved and respected, while taking care of our newest member. This isn’t really a specific or measurable goal, more of a sentiment which I believe we have been achieving.
Fun goals
Given my injury carrying our little guy in the infant front carry for long periods of time has been challenging on my pelvis. I didn’t want to push things with strenuous hiking. We recently enjoyed a walk at the UBC Botanical Gardens complete with a tree top adventure in the Greenheart Treewalk. I am hoping to get in a few hikes and walks before the weather gets to cool, but its hard while trying to maintain a consistent nap schedule. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Fun Runs:
We participated in the Color Me Rad 5km in May. Due to my injury I walked most of it but it was more about fun then fitness. You can read more about this by clicking here to read my race review. We wanted to try the Vancouver Pure Protein Night Race on September 23rd, But given that registration is $50 per person and I am still rehabbing we will skip this event.
With an infant under 6 months we decided to forgo camping this year in hopes that we might find a budget friendly rental. I am thrilled that we were able to vacation not once but twice this summer. We visited Nanaimo for 5 days in July and stayed with family which made it affordable . Next week we are visiting the Sunshine Coast and staying at a friends near Gibsons. Adrian was able to work out something affordable in exchange for some carpentry work.
Business Goals
In January I made an ambitious list of 8 business books to read for personal development. Again it must be said….oh, how naive was I. These days I don’t have much time for reading….and when I do the list looks a little bit different than what I set out at the beginning of the year. 😉
What to Expect the First Year –by Heidi Murkoff , Sharon Mazel, Arlene Eisenberg
The Happiest Baby on the Block -by Harvey Karp M.D.
The Sleep Sense Program– By Dana Obleman
The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems– By Tracy Hogg
The Opposite of Spoiled– By Ron Lieber
goals for my fitness business
To date I have successfully posted one blog a month. This is less than the minimum of two I initially hoped for but given my time constraints I will take it as a success.
I am thrilled to be gradually returning to teaching starting Tuesday September 6th. I will be teaching Indoor-cycling once a week at Southarm Community Center. You can view the fall schedule here.
If all goes as planned when the kids are back to school I will be updating my knowledge with a postnatal fitness course.
Financial Goals
This has been a struggle with the increased expenses a baby brings, we have managed to keep a float. The real struggle is still to come when we have to increase our housing expenses and pay for daycare.
I said I would navigate this new and uncharted territory of my life with the tenacity, and enthusiasm that I bring to all life’s challenges. The reality of it is, I am really just exhausted most of the time, and trying to hold it all together.
That’s a wrap, but now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you…
#5km #FunRun #Exercise #ScotiabankVancouverHalfMarathon #BlueShoreFinaicalLongestDayRoadRace #Fitness #10KM #BuntzenLake #FunGoals #BMO #HalfMarathon #BrandywineFalls #IonaBeachRegionalPark #Run #VancouverRocknRollHalf #FallClassic #Seawheeze #FamilyGoals #VenusFitnessandLifestyle #Family #MountainBuggyTerrrainStroller #ColorMeRad #UBCBontanicalGarden #BusinessGoals #VenusFitness #2016goals #MECHappytrailsChildCarrierBackpack #FitnessGoals #BusinessBooks #VancouverPureProteinNightRace #ChildRun #books #FinancialGoals #BC #Vancouver #GoldCreekFalls #Perfectheartsyoga #Goals #GreenheartTreewalk #Fun