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Gift Ideas for the Runner on your Nice List

Gift ideas for Runners

With just over a week till Christmas you might be scrambling  to finish your holiday shopping.   If you have a runner on your Christmas list and have no idea what to get them, do not fear!   Below is a list of thoughtful and fun gift ideas, whatever your budget.

Here are 10 ideas sure to please any runners on your list whether its your bestie, or your run club Secret Santa. This list has got you covered.

1. Race Entry Fees

All runners will agree that participating in runs is exhilarating and addictive, however its not so easy on the budget.  Race fees are expensive, and the longer the distance the more expensive the fees.  So treat the runner in your life to their favorite race.  Check out races in your area to see if they have a gift giving option on the registration page.  I know the Vancouver Scotiabank Half-Marathon has the option. While other races like the BMO Vancouver Marathon provide the option to register for someone other than yourself.  However you will be required to answer many questions about the participant including expected finishing time, emergency contact, and medical information.  In most cases the participant will be able to change this information if necessary with the registration confirmation.

2. Bib or Medal Display Rack

If the runners in your life is anything like me, they probably have pile of race bibs and medals  in a drawer or box hidden somewhere.  Give them a rack to display their accomplishments while providing motivation throughout the year.   I suggest checking out Go For a Run, their website has tons of options for bibs and medals,  including customization displays.  They have free shipping on orders over $65.  The website says “ORDER TODAY FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GUARANTEED! *with appropriate shipping method”

3. Fun Compression Socks

Many long distance runner swear by compression socks.  These are super strong elastic sock, typically worn up to the knee. They compress veins on the surface of your leg, as well as arteries and muscles, so that blood is circulated through your legs through smaller circulatory channels. If the Runner on your Christmas list uses compression socks they might appreciate a fun pair from Crazy Compression.  They even have a  fun holiday collection. 🙂

4. Road ID Race Bracelet

Road Id Race Bracelets are a line of identification tags that includes runner id, cyclist id, medical id, they provide personal and medical information.  This gift provides peace of mind, and just might save their life. You can order online, or if you would prefer to see one up close first, you can check them out at your local Running Room.

5. Shwings

Swings are a super fun way to dress up  running shoes for race day.  At $8.95USD these are a  budget friendly gift, making them a perfect secret Santa gift idea.

6. Jewelry or Charms

Runners can’t wear their medals every day so a lucky running charm would be the next best thing. You can find sterling silver running necklaces, bracelets, earrings , men’s jewelry, and custom shoelace charms. Check out  Go for a Run.

7. A Running Ornament

If Jewellery and Charms aren’t your runners thing then perhaps a Christmas ornament is better suited.  You can find several different options on Etsy for a variety of different sports including cycling, swimming.  Another affordable gift idea, and a perfect stocking suffer.

8. Funky Running Tights

If the runner on your list isn’t afraid to stand out in a crowd and likes to make a statement, check out Roseate Women’s 3D digital print muscle tights They are sure to stand out with these beauties. 😉

9. Training

What better way to support the runner in your life than by helping them get to their next PB (Personal Best).  You can do this by signing them up for a running clinic at  their local running store.  The Running Room Stores offer a variety of clinics for different race distances, you can get more information about the clinic and pricing here.

10. Recovery

Finally another thoughtful gift idea….the gift of recovery, which you can provide  in one of two ways. First you could purchase a gift certificate for a Sports Massage, which they could enjoy after their next race.  Or you can purchase them a voucher to a yoga class specializing in stretching for runners.  Either way the runner on your list is sure to enjoy this gift.

If the Runner on your list lives in Richmond and is close to the Steveston area; Perfect Hearts Yoga offers a class called Joga which is Yoga for Athletes, and Raintree Wellness Spa offers a 45min Sports Massage treatment.

Hopefully this provided you with some gift giving inspiration for the Runner on your Nice list.  Happy Shopping!

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