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How Do I want To Feel? 2018 Goals

If you have been following along then you know this is the final part of a THREE part SERIES.  In this post I will share my #2018Goals and #2018Feels.

In my previous post I outlined my goal setting process and offered a FREE 8 page workbook for download to help you set and achieve your #2018Goals and  #2018Feels.  If you haven’t downloaded it yet you can get your copy here, along with some inspiration. 😉


In 2018 I want to continue eliminating drama from my life, while cultivating a calm, balanced and connected life.  Focusing on being present and savoring each and every moment of this miracle of life, even the hard moments.  I will get clear about who I am, what makes me feel the most alive.  I am going to change my story and rid myself of self-limiting beliefs.


  1. Calm and balanced – I will incorporate yoga or swimming into my routine 1-2 times a week. Hit the gym for 4-5 one hour workouts a week with one minimum of one long run per week..

  2. Healthy and Strong –I will run the BMO half marathon in 1 hour and 50 minutes.

  3. Bold and Challenged –I will hike the Chief by year end.


  1. Confident and Self Aware-  I will spend the first half of 2018 identifying self limiting beliefs  through personal development and exploration exercises. I will spend the latter half of the year exploiting the falsity of these beliefs with a project I have in mind called the #BirthOfVenus.

  2. PRESENT-  I will continue to practice #PositiveAffirmations and #IntentionSetting daily and weekly. I have developed twelve new affirmations and nine new intentions that work with my overall goals.

  3. Optimistic- I will focus on solutions and opportunities rather than problems. I will surround myself with positive reminders.


  1. Vibrant and Connected – Minimum one #FamilyFun Activity a month.

  2. Adventurous and Inspired –Our four week family vacation to Europe this summer will help satisfy these feels. #MeiersDoEurope2018

  3. Love & Connection– Minimum 1 date night a month. New to 2018 we will host six dinner parties in 2018 to ensure we connect with old friends, and develop new friendships. #DateNight #Friendsgiving


  1. Accomplished– I will post two blogs a month for 12 months.  Increase my website traffic by 50%, increase my readership by 20%, and my social media reach by 10%.

  2. Energized and Creative- I will release monthly newsletters for subscribers, develop an accountability program for 2019, and work on my writing with the project #BrithOfVenus.


  1. Prosperous-Increase my combined income streams by 10% by year end.

  2. Growth and Security– Continue to contribute to my RRSP Plans, supplement my TFSA with an additional thousand dollars by year end.

 Let’s Get Real….for Real though

I have spent far too much of my precious time playing out dramas, worrying about things I cannot control, seeking approval, justifying my actions, complaining, and dissecting the lives of idiots. 2018  will be the end of junk food thoughts- the what-ifs, how comes, the maybe one days.

I will:

  1. Appreciate how special I am

  2. Drown myself in affirmations

  3. Do things I love

  4. Not compare myself to others

  5. Forgive myself

  6. Love myself

  7. Stop caring what other people think

  8. Ask myself why?


New to Goal Setting?  Download my FREE workbook to help you create new habits, reach your goals and Feel Amazing!!

I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2018 OUR best year yet!


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