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How Do I Want To Feel? 2020 Goals

How do I want to feel? If you have been following along then you know this is the final part of a THREE part SERIES.  In this post I will share my  2020 Goals and #2020Feels.

In my previous post I outlined my goal setting process and offered a FREE 9 page workbook for download to help you set and achieve your #2020Goals and  #2020Feels.  If you haven’t downloaded it yet you can get your copy here.

At the end of 2019 I was burnt the “F” out…..and I found myself asking WHY????

In 2020 my core feelings are simple…… I am going to focus on feelings of Fulfillment, Worth Nourishment, and Service.  My word for the year will be Priorities.  I will focus on nourishing my soul,  through fulfillment and service.  Nourishing my body and my mind through physical training and personal development.   Read on to find out how I am going to do it!

But first I digress……..

As I mentioned I found myself asking WHY a lot in the latter part of 2019…….

I originally started Venus Fitness on the heels of recovery from my experience with domestic violence.  I wanted to share the role fitness had in helping me to rediscover my confidence and self worth, while helping to manage my PTSD symptoms.  Then as my journey changed my focus became to shift and at some point I turned into  some sort of mom blogger mess.  Doer of all things and master of nothing.  Somewhere along the line  my objectives got blurred.

  1. I blog because I like writing , it started as more of a personal hobby.

  2. Teaching fitness is something I love,  I am good at it, and I am proud of that.  I love the feeling of community my participants provide, and I love it when they share their health and fitness success with me.

  3. Working out helps me to feel grounded, increased my confidence, and I just really enjoy it.

  4. I enjoy sharing my interest in essential oils with other and helping to find natural wellness solutions.

after defining my WHYS I naturally rolled into…..


I find social media draining.  It causes me unnecessary anxiety and pressure.  It also leaves me with feeling inadequate.  I crave a sense of community but there is no engagement which can be discouraging.

  1. A lot of time is wasted on social media when I could be focusing on the things, I wish I had more time to do.

  2. I don’t like that I feel like I must take a picture of every workout because I have health and wellness blog. This often cuts into my own actual workout…. not cool

  3. I thought providing giveaways would add value to my account and create a community, boy was I WRONG.

  4. Before I used to do things with the kids because I liked doing them, now it seems like I am scrabbling to do things for content. Also NOT COOL.

I think its obvious what the issue is here…..on average in 2019 I spent 11 hours a week on social media. That is 572 hours in a year, which equates to a mind blowing seven,  eighty hour work weeks ( that is 71.5 8 hours days).  WTF!

So with that being said 2020 goals have nothing to do with making a huge list of accomplishments to check off,  or how I am going to grow my platforms or increase readership…..2020 will have EVERYTHING to do with the things I wish I had more time to do.


  1. Strong-  – I will continue to run and workout like I consistently have for the last 15+ years.  I will run a bunch or races, likely the same ones as last year. Its really just a given at this point

  2.  Fulfilled-   I  WILL run the BMO half marathon in 1 hour and 55 minutes.

  3. Nourished –I will put more effort into my training and nutrition through education, planning and intervals.


  1. Nourished- I will read 10 books this year.

  2. Service I will exploring PTSD organizations and resources available to see how I can contribute.

  3. Worth-I will stop talking negatively about myself. I am so TIRED of hearing  I am not;  Smart enough, educated enough,  socially adept, successful enough…..and the list goes on……..This year I will accept that  I AM ENOUGH.


  1. Fulfilled  & Nourished – I will make more time for spontaneous family walks, crafts, spending time with friends, and planning vacations.  Instead of chasing a never ending to do list.

  2.  Fulfilled  – I will plan my wedding

  3. Nourished– I will make more time for personal grooming and papering.  Even if its as simple as having a bath and applying a face mask.


  1. Worth-  I want to achieve professional satisfaction ….the problem is I am not sure what will provide that.  Perhaps with all the free time I will have I can focuses on exploring this….since it seems fairly important.

  2. Fulfillment-  I have always wanted to write a book, so this year I will start the process.

  3. Service – I will take a cycling and fitness theory workshop to add more value to my participants

  4. Service – I will make new class playlist to have new music offerings for my participants


  1. Worth-  I want to have a better understanding of my personal finances.  Establishing a more effective and consistent budgeting routine.

  2. Fulfillment– I want to be able to plan vacations and not be constraint by finances.

2020 goals perspective- Priorities

“Instead of saying ‘I don’t have time’ try saying ‘it’s not a priority,’ and see how that feels.

Try it: ” ‘I’m not going to review my monthly budget because it’s not a priority. ”  I did this a couple of times and the answers didn’t  sit well.   I needed a reminder that time is a choice. If we don’t like how we’re spending it, we can choose differently.”

In 2020 I will rediscover my hobbies and passions.

Things I am leaving behind…..

  1. Not believing in myself

  2. Feeling like I have nothing to offer

  3. Feeling the need to explain my validity in a space

  4. Taking negatively about myself

  5. Letting shame define me

  6. Comparing myself to others

  7. Caring what other people think

New decade means long term goals:

  1. I will be a published author by 2029.

  2. Run a full marathon in 2021

  3. We will purchase another property by 2029

  4. Take the kids to Disneyland by 2025

  5. Adrian will be completing the 2023 Ironman in Switzerland, so it looks like another European vacation is on the horizon. So we better get on that budgeting and training. 😉


New to Goal Setting?  Download my FREE 2020 goal workbook here to help you create new habits, reach your goals and Feel Amazing!!

I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2020 OUR best year yet!

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