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How do I Want To Feel? 2022 Goals

How do I want to feel? If you have been following along then you know this is the final part of this years Two-part SERIES.  In this post I will share my 2022 Goals and #2022Feels.  In my previous post I  reviewed my  #2021Goals and  #2021Feels.

My 2022  focus will be on feelings of Connection, Strength/Strong,  and Core.  My word for the year is  Be.  Read on for more details and let’s work together to keep each other accountable.

I have been thinking a lot about my goal setting process, which is why this post is delayed a few weeks.  I have decided that before I establish how I want to feel, and what I am going to set out to do, I would like to take a moment to reflect on how I feel about myself. 

New this year:

I have added two new pages to the goal workbook; The first, ” List 12 Things You Accomplished in 2021.”  This can be as simple as getting dressed each day, or as lofty as running a specific distance….Its not a competition or comparison exercise-everything counts.  The second, “List 12 Things You Like About yourself.”  I am serious….12 things.  That might be your ability  to multitask, your empathetic nature, or your cooking ability …..again anything goes.

I think is important to acknowledge that setting goals for the  new year should NOT be about feeling like you were not “enough” or fueled by the need to “improve.” It should be  about cool, fun  things that you want to accomplish/do to support  BE-ing YOU. They don’t need to be big audacious goals,  If signing your child up for swimming lessons is your goal for the year that’s awesome…. If reading a book is your objective go getm’,  and if maintaining the status quo is for you- do it!  

I still think it’s important that we identify how we would like to Feel but  that needs to include a clear picture of how we feel about ourselves.


  1. Connection- I will continue to volunteer as a Sportmed BC run leader,  when the opportunity arises.  Finding ways to help people love fitness is part of BE-ing me.

  2. Be:  I will continue with my regular training  routine because I like it, it makes me happy, and it is fundamentally part of BE-ing me.

  3. Strengthen & Core:  I will take better care of my pelvic floor and core by revisited my postnatal exercise and pelvic floor specialist.  Lets be honest crossing my legs when I sneeze so I don’t pee my pants  IS NOT one of my favorite parts of BE-ing me.

Fun (personal) Goals

Connection:  I will complete  four Shutterfly albums for the years I am behind, because it bugs me that I haven’t done it.

  1. Be: I will read 13 books this year, because  I have come to learn that reading is also part of BE-ing me. ????????

  2. Connection:  This is the year we brave camping with Sweets.  Reconnecting to the outdoors and the  pre-Sweets us.

  3. Connection: I will change my last name before  our anniversary in June.  Shedding my past and fully stepping into my present.


  1. Strength-   I will take 3-4 Microsoft workshops to strength my skills and add value to my fulltime career .

  2. Strength- I will take a Hootsuite or Mailchimp workshop to strength my skills, and help me to be more efficient. Because efficiency is another part of Be-ing me. ????

  3. Core:  I will take sports Coaching workshops to upgrade my skills and recertify.


Surprise!!!! I am not making any.  I originally had a few listed but they just didn’t feel right and going with the vibe of the  year I decided they were not meant to BE.


New to Goal Setting?  Download my FREE 2022 goal workbook here to help you create new habits, reach your goals and Feel Amazing!!

I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2022 OUR best year yet!

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