It’s International Women’s Day (IWD), a day to honor and celebrate the cultural, social, economic and political achievements of women. It’s a day to remind ourselves why women are so amazing.
We often focus on the downers that admittedly, we forget what makes us so awesome and unique. Yeah, PMS, sitting down to pee, and endless self-doubt are all part of being a woman, but just forget that for a minute – and let’s focus on the perks..
Here are a few reasons that Women are awesome. Why we should take a moment to celebrate Women as they push the boundaries, forge new direction , and make waves, all while managing the family calendar. 😉
We Are Passionate
We are passionate about everything, whether we’re standing up for a friend or talking business in the boardroom, we have passion and enthusiasm for even the tiniest of things. This is certainly another reason to celebrate our detail oriented mind, which gives us a special eye for finding passion in details.
We Can Multitask
Yes, we always use this to score points against men, but the truth hurts, no need to even make a comparison. We are intelligent because we can juggle work, with our love lives and social lives – and our families lives……Sure it isn’t easy, no one said it was, but it’s what we do- and we are DAMN good at it!
We’re Not Afraid To Show Our Sensitive Side
Because we are so passionate about everything, we aren’t afraid to accept all its by-products such as being vulnerable and sensitive. We can express our feelings towards someone without any fear of what other people may think of us when making that expression – that is the power that comes from vulnerability and only fools think it is a disadvantage! Expressing our emotions makes us stand out as a bold person and makes ourselves be counted for, and most importantly we inspire others to express their vulnerability too.
We create Community
One of the best parts of being a woman is the nurturing support network behind being who we are. Supporting other women and helping each other to grow is heart-warming and character-developing. It can bring so much to you and the other women around you – help each other to help yourselves.
nuff said!
Final word…..
In the course of human history, the female population has been horrifically oppressed, abused and mistreated.
Girls have been burned at the stake as witches. They have been shot in the face for trying to go to school. Their feet have been crushed and bound. Their genitals have been mutilated. They have been denied education, voting rights, property ownership, driver’s licenses and equal pay.
And yet…Women are amazing because they never quit.
Girls haven’t quit trying to get to school. Women haven’t quit providing two-thirds of the world’s unpaid labor. They haven’t quit giving birth to the world’s next generation, and haven’t quit advocating for equality, freedom, opportunity and dignity.