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Summer Running Tips

To say its been feeling like summer  here in Vancouver, is a bit of an understatement with the recent heatwave.   However with Summer officially here and temperatures finally  cooling down I thought it was  the perfect time to review some of my summer running  tips. ☀️ ????????‍♀️

A plus side of summer running; extended daylight hours mean no more runs in total darkness, and warmer temperatures mean fewer layers. However, transition from Winter to Spring and Summer running can be tough.  For me not only is the temperature increasing, so is my distance….and the number of kids sporting activities in my calendar.

And while there are the obvious adjustments to be made—opting for shady running routes, running during the coolest time of day, taking frequent water stops, and accepting that sometimes it’s just going to be tough.

the basics:

  1. As with any run, planning is key to safety. Plan your hydration, your route, and your gear ahead of time. And tell someone where and when you are going and for how long.

  2. Plan to run at the coolest times of the day. If you can’t to early morning then evenings are better than mid-day.

  3. Adjust your route so you can stay close to home. Especially during the pandemic when there might not be a lot of options for getting indoors out of the heat during your run to cool down or rehydrate. Select shady routes or do loops around your block using your home as your aid-station.

  4. Do have a hydration and cooling strategy that starts BEFORE you run. Even if not doing a long run, in hot weather you need to start your run well hydrated.

  5. Carry your water and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. Take small sips every 10 min and make sure you are drinking electrolytes not just plain water. T

here are so many options to BYOW I prefer the palm option.

  1. .Make sure you have the right gear! Breathable, loose fitting, technical fabrics that wick sweat away are ???? When our blood flow is directed to the skin to cool us down, we have less available for working muscles.

  2. Don’t forget about your eyes! I always wear a brimmed hat or sunglasses ???? to protect my eyes from the sun. (And sunscreen too!).

  3. .Go by effort not pace. Run less reps. Take more walk breaks. And know the signs of heat stroke ???? (nausea, dizzy, headache, disoriented, fatigue).


Nobody Likes Chafing-  I use a body glide stick (Deodorant works in a pinch) to prevent chafing- I use along my sleeve line, bra line, and most importantly my short line and inner thighs.

Hydrate- I carry a Nathan Sports insulated palm water bottle on my long runs. After runs I drink 16 oz of water with Nuun electrolytes tablets. My favorite flavors are Strawberry Lemonade and Lemon Lime.

Fuel Up- Be sure you are well fueled- Aside from being hydrated, make sure you are fueled before you head out. Remember, all runs will feel harder in the heat, so you’ll want to make sure you aren’t running on empty.

Cool Moisture wicking layers- I wear a mesh hat to keep the sun off my face this also eliminates the need for sunglasses which I have found chafe my checks on longer runs. (Not comfortable or cute)

Sun Safety- Wear sunscreen & plan a shady route or run in the off hours. I suggest running in the morning, but if you not early bird like me wait until a little later in the evening.

Cool Off- Pour Water ON your body, not just in it- I am not joking. In races I pour it on my head and down the back of my neck, and if I see a sprinkler you better believe I am running through it.  When I get home from a long run my sons kiddy pool is not only a perfect place to cool off but works as a great ice bath for muscle recover.

I hope these tips help make the warmer summer runs a little more comfortable. .  If you have any tips or tricks you want to share, I would love to hear from you.

For More summer running tips, and content on all the all the important “F” Words including: F•itness F•amily F•un F•ashion- Follow me on Instagram. .

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