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TRX Part 2: True Conditioning- Class Reviews

In the previous article (Part 1), we reviewed what TRX is, who should do it, and five reasons you should try it.

In (Part 2) we are going to review five classes at True Conditioning a TRX qualified group fitness, and personal training studio in Richmond, B.C. 

From my first visit to True Conditioning, I knew I had found something special. This isn’t just a gym or workout studio this is a community of like minded individuals setting goals and crushing them. The vibe of the studio including the upbeat yellow walls, “Sweat Once a Day” decal and the posted goals, create a space where the positive energy is palpable.

TRX For Beginners:  10:30am-11:30am Sundays

This class focuses on technique, by developing basic TRX exercise foundations and training principals through easy to follow progressions.

The class I attended was lead by Pilar Bradshaw a certified Personal Trainer, and TRX qualified Group Fitness Instructor. Pilar was encouraging and motivating immediately putting the class at ease.  Her instructions were clear and concise making it easy to follow along.

The format included three 4 minute intervals, completing each activity for 1 minute and resting for 10 seconds between.  Each circuit included four exercises; lower-body, upper-body, core, and a dynamic cardio exercise. Finishing off with a cool down and stretch.

As an avid runner and indoor cyclists I found many of the exercises challenged my weak areas, including my  hamstrings, upper back, and shoulders.

Mat Pilates 7:30pm-8:30pm Thursdays

A natural compliment to TRX training, Mat Pilates emphasizes a balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, awareness, and muscular endurance.  Pilates focuses on building core strength, improving core activation and control and corrects alignment to prevent injury from fitness related activities.

This class was led by Natalia Rabin a certified Booty Barre and Pilates Instructor.   Natalia encouraged us to do  the breathing the wrong way to help identify the difference between right and wrong breathing for Pilates.  This helped me to focus rather than just go through the motions, leaving me with a newfound sense of connection between mind, and body.

The class provided  a challenging core workout and the little swan pose provided a surprising challenge for my upper back.

TRX Body Blast 9:30am-10:30am Saturdays

‪ TRX Body Blast

This class challenges your upper body, lower body and core with a fast pace format that focuses on improving stamina, building muscular endurance and strengthening the core.

Class was led by Ryan Kitchen a certified Personal Trainer and TRX Group Fitness Instructor.  Ryan led  the class through a series of high energy sweat inducing circuits. He was motivating and encouraging showing us exercise variations encouraging us to push ourselves just a little harder.

The format was very similar to the beginners class except that we moved through the circuits at a much faster pace.  I would highly recommend taking the beginners class to familiarize yourself with some of the more complicated exercise allowing you to keep up with the faster pace while maximizing your workout.

Candlelight Yin Yoga 8:00pm-9:00pm Mondays

This class is  VERY relaxing.  Shaidah Karim guided us  through mindful breathing practices, and various poses that stretch and lengthen my muscles while helping me to feel  relaxed and rejuvenated. During the initial meditation Shaidah outlined the three fundamental of Yin yoga; First, Find your edge (the sweet spot for a stretch). Second, stillness (holding poses), and finally time ( relax and allow gravity to help you go deeper into your poses).

As the title indicates it takes place in candlelight.  Despite the space heaters the studio still got cold so  I suggest dressing warm and bringing a pair of fussy socks.  During  some of the  longer poses Shaidah read poetry which I found a surprising treat, she also offered a deeper stretch through your chest and essential oils during Savassana.

TRX Cardio Kickboxing 8:30am-9:30am Sundays

Glove up and get ready for a fast paced, full body workout that combines kickboxing drills, heavy pad work, partner combos and circuit training with a mix of core and cardio using the TRX Suspension Trainer.  I was looking forward to this class and was thrilled that it surpassed my expectations, providing an intense heart pounding,  sweat inducing workout.

TRX Cardio Kickboxing (9)

Ryan led us through  a series of 4 minute intervals incorporating boxing sequences mixed with dynamic exercises. Ryan’s instructions were concise and he offered water breaks throughout  but encouraged quick transitions to help maintain the intensity.

We started with  traditional cross jabs increasing frequency and intensity, the sequences gradually got longer  incorporating right and left hooks and finally upper cuts. Some of the exercises included squats, lunges, rows, hamstring curls, and glute bridges.  There was dynamic movements like mountain climbers, jump squats and burpees.  We used the TRX  for single leg lunges and core work at the end including Planks, Planks with reaches and Pikes.

This is a high intensity class providing a great workout.  Class fills up fast so don’t make the same mistake as me.  Class will likely be full.   This class is also offered on Tuesdays at 9:30am if  that works for your schedule.

In closing:

TRX Cardio Kickboxing- Bridge

True Conditioning lives up to its claims, its a beautiful studio with a feel good community vibe guaranteeing a killer workouts with quality instruction.   Personally, I had a hard time making some classes  with a baby,  but you can check out their schedule here and see what works for you.  Go challenge yourself and have some fun!












































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