Holiday Gift Ideas for a Fitness Enthusiast

gift ideas for a fitness enthusiastWith Halloween behind us and November upon us it’s time to start thinking about holiday shopping.

Buying gifts can be difficult regardless of how well you know the person you are buying the gift for. In the worse case, that person doesn’t have any special passion or interest. In the better case, he or she is enthusiastic about something.  The latter option has its flaws too, since you have to be well-familiarized with the object of his/her interest.

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Blogging Win: 2017 Liebster Award!

2017 Liebster Award!The Liebster Award is a recognition given to bloggers by bloggers.  So although it is a little win, it’s an important one because as it is an honor to be recognized by your peers.

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Granville Island 10km Turkey Trot- Race Recap

This past Monday was the 20th annual Granville Island Turkey Trot, a family friendly 10K run/walk hosted by RUNVAN.®

A scenic 10KM course that starts at Granville Island and loops over the Burrard Bridge to the north side Seawall before turning at Science World and heading back along the south side Seawall, finishing at Performance Works on Granville Island.

My Little and I participated making it the farthest race we have done together, read on for my race recap. Continue reading

Indoor Cycling- Importance of a Good Playlist

indoor cycling playlistI’ve been an Indoor cycling instructor for over ten years,  during this time I’ve learned quite a few things about teaching group fitness.  I have had success and a few failures, all of which have helped me to become a better, more confident instructor.

As an instructor it’s important to choose music you love that gets you “pumped.” The more I “feel” the music, the more it comes out in my voice, energy and instruction- and the more it gets everyone else energized and excited.   With that being said its equally important to know your audience, what gets me pumped might not work for my class.  It’s important to meet them on common ground.  Read on for some of my insights into teaching and one of my classes favorite playlists.

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Valentines Gift Ideas for the Fitness Enthusiast

Valentines for FitnessValentines day is next week, and if your significant other would rather spend their time hiking or hitting the gym,  chocolates aren’t going to cut it. Here is a list of gift ideas for the Fitness Enthusiast that holds your heart.  

Those of  you enjoying single life, the following  can also be enjoyed  with your bestie.

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