Christmas Gift Challenge – Want, Need, Wear & Read

GIft ChallengeChristmas in my house is very different from the Christmas I had as a child. Yes my parents would provide us with a gift, and of course Santa never disappointed.  We would spent the day with our parents and loved ones playing in our jammies and celebrating the season.   However as I have come to experience, holidays in a blended family can be very different.

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Staying on Track During the Holidays

Staying on Track during the holidaysWhatever you are celebrating this December, the holidays are a time to unwind, relax and celebrated holiday traditions.  All of this unwinding, relaxing, and holiday tradition seems to create and endless to-do-list and a multitude of social event.

The holidays are supposed to be a time where you enjoy comfort foods. You tend to relax a bit more than usual and share happiness with your loved ones.  Except… you are usually filled with guilt and shame about what you ate  and your lack of exercise. 

It’s time to stop fearing the yummy foods and lack of exercise we experience during the holidays

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