Summer 2015 To-Do-List Update

Now that everyone knows I am pregnant after last weeks blog post, “Never Say Never,” I figured it was about time to update my Summer 2015 To-Do-List post from May 13th of this year.  Given our exciting news this list took a back seat as I navigated the first trimester of pregnancy.

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2015 Vancouver Scotiabank Half Marathon Race Review

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Better late than never! I had plans for writing this post last week, but being away on vacation had me tied up relaxing and enjoying special moments with family… So now here I am finally writing my race review over a week later, not to worry I jotted down some notes to help me remember. The Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon, my 4th half marathon but the first for my boyfriend,  which of course made it a special run.

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2015 BMO Vancouver Half Marathon Recap

Last year I completed my first BMO event, the 8km.  This year I was a bit more ambitious and took on the half marathon (21.1km), making it my third half marathon to-date.  Finishing the race wasn’t my only objective, one of my personal goals for 2015 was to complete a half marathon in under two hours.  I am happy to report that  four months into the year I can cross this off my list.  I finished the race in a respectable 1:58:44, a new personal best.


The race started on a Sunday morning at 7am. I was up bright and early at 5:15 am. I left all my clothes and gear out the night before, so I didn’t have to think too much first thing in the morning. I made coffee and was out the door by 6:20am.  In retrospect this wasn’t enough time.  After parking, catching the train, and walking 15 minutes from the suggested station, I made it to the start line with nine minutes to spare.  The line-ups for the bathroom were completely unrealistic.  A man on a megaphone was instructing people to go to their corrals, and that there were facilities along the route. I quickly came to terms with the fact I would start the race needing to pee.  I made my way to my starting corral with just enough time to start my Nike running app, adjust my headphones and music.  I chose to use the Nike app on my phone, and play music on another IPod so I wouldn’t completely drain my phone battery.  However I overlooked the fact that by using a different iPod I wouldn’t know my pace, but by the time I figured this out it was too late.


Race Elevations

Race Break Down:

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You Are Forever Changed by Your Greatest Attempts

Running my first half marathonI never thought I would be one of those people that says, “I’m going for a run, see you in a couple of hours.” For many years I ran for cardio to lose weight, but I never enjoyed the actual process until now.  It wasn’t until last year that I can officially claim to be a runner.  Running has become an escape; A way to see my surroundings from an organic perspective.  I am happy to say I have fallen in love with running.

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