Exercise During Pregnancy

Since my last post outlining my experience of the first 20 weeks of pregnancy I’ve had tons of questions about how pregnancy has effected my exercise routine.  So here it is, my approach to exercise during pregnancy.Exercise while Pregnant

When I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant,  I was scared and nervous about all the changes that lie ahead, BUT I adapted. I realized that despite all odds this little egg managed to burrow into my uterine lining while I was training for, and ran, a half marathon.  This knowledge reassured me that this little baby was going to be strong and resilient, and by continuing with my exercise routine I would be keeping it safe and healthy. I openly discuss my fitness routine with my family doctor and Obstetrician, both were supportive and encouraging explaining that exercise will not only make labour and recovery easier on me, but for baby too! I want to preface by saying that I worked out 5-6 days a week for 60-90 minutes a day, in addition to teaching a minimum of 2 indoor cycling classes a week before  becoming pregnant. I wouldn’t recommended starting a new exercise routine once you’re pregnant, and of course be sure to run everything by your OB first.

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Disneyland- Tips and Tricks

I apologize for the delay in getting out our trip recap out but I had an important announcement that I needed to be shared before I could properly summarize our vacation. 😉

I had been to Disneyland with my parents when I was 10 years old, and I visited Disney World with school when I was 14 so I have developed my fair share of precious Disneyland memories.  I have to say, although a lot has changed in the Magic Kingdom over the years one thing remains true, it’s still the happiest place on earth!

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Summer 2015 To-Do-List Update

Now that everyone knows I am pregnant after last weeks blog post, “Never Say Never,” I figured it was about time to update my Summer 2015 To-Do-List post from May 13th of this year.  Given our exciting news this list took a back seat as I navigated the first trimester of pregnancy.

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Never Say Never!- A Pregnancy Miracle

This Thanksgiving we have even more to be celebrating! Venus Fitness & Lifestyle, is increasing plus one! Continue reading