Color Me Rad Race Review- Surrey, BC 2014 vs. Surrey, BC 2015


2015- Before

Having done both the Color Me Rad 2014 at the Cloverdale Rodeo grounds, and  the Color Me Rad 2015 in Holland Park Surrey, it  feels natural to compare the two events. Both had strengths and weaknesses, I will compare a few areas and pick a winner for each.

If you too participated in either of these events I would love to hear your comments.


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2015 BMO Vancouver Half Marathon Recap

Last year I completed my first BMO event, the 8km.  This year I was a bit more ambitious and took on the half marathon (21.1km), making it my third half marathon to-date.  Finishing the race wasn’t my only objective, one of my personal goals for 2015 was to complete a half marathon in under two hours.  I am happy to report that  four months into the year I can cross this off my list.  I finished the race in a respectable 1:58:44, a new personal best.


The race started on a Sunday morning at 7am. I was up bright and early at 5:15 am. I left all my clothes and gear out the night before, so I didn’t have to think too much first thing in the morning. I made coffee and was out the door by 6:20am.  In retrospect this wasn’t enough time.  After parking, catching the train, and walking 15 minutes from the suggested station, I made it to the start line with nine minutes to spare.  The line-ups for the bathroom were completely unrealistic.  A man on a megaphone was instructing people to go to their corrals, and that there were facilities along the route. I quickly came to terms with the fact I would start the race needing to pee.  I made my way to my starting corral with just enough time to start my Nike running app, adjust my headphones and music.  I chose to use the Nike app on my phone, and play music on another IPod so I wouldn’t completely drain my phone battery.  However I overlooked the fact that by using a different iPod I wouldn’t know my pace, but by the time I figured this out it was too late.


Race Elevations

Race Break Down:

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You Are Forever Changed by Your Greatest Attempts

Running my first half marathonI never thought I would be one of those people that says, “I’m going for a run, see you in a couple of hours.” For many years I ran for cardio to lose weight, but I never enjoyed the actual process until now.  It wasn’t until last year that I can officially claim to be a runner.  Running has become an escape; A way to see my surroundings from an organic perspective.  I am happy to say I have fallen in love with running.

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