Christmas Gift Challenge – Want, Need, Wear & Read

GIft ChallengeChristmas in my house is very different from the Christmas I had as a child. Yes my parents would provide us with a gift, and of course Santa never disappointed.  We would spent the day with our parents and loved ones playing in our jammies and celebrating the season.   However as I have come to experience, holidays in a blended family can be very different.

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Traveling with Kids- Tips for Navigating Different Ages

Nagivating different agesWe have all seen the Instagram posts showing a beautiful family, frolicking at a vacation local in the sun-kissed light of early evening?  Do they tell you that the beautiful evening was interrupted with whining or a tantrums,??  Traveling with kids is it worth it?

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother's Day- About the kids tooFor the last six years I have enjoyed the privilege of having someone else’s children in my home for part of Mother’s day. It is not until last year that I was able to celebrate this day with my own child.  Holidays, including Mother’s Day,  are important to me.   I try to foster this attitude in my children.

Over the years I have reminded them of holidays.  Encouraging them to make cards, work on crafts, or taking them out to purchase a little something for their Mother.  It never occurred to me that I wouldn’t help my stepchildren with gifts for their Mothers on holidays.  Why wouldn’t I? She is the reason I am blessed.

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Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Maternity leaveIt’s been over a months since I’ve returned to work after maternity leave.  I never thought going back to work would be as difficult as it has been. Before having my little guy I expected to walk back into the office as the firecracker that I was pre-babe.  After having him I discovered how profoundly unrealistic that was.  Expecting to walk into the office the same person I was when I left is the professional equivalent of expecting to wear my favorite pre-pregnancy pants out of the hospital. Ain’t gonna happen.

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The holidays are a time when you reflect — on holidays past, the year past, those you have known, and even who you once were. For many, the holidays are very much about memories and traditions formed in childhood.  Our memories make up the story of our life that exists in our mind.   These memories can give us comfort, direction, inspiration, and hope.

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