Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon- More than just a House

Ronald McDonald House BC & YukonLast week I hand the privilege to tour the Ronald McDonald House B.C & Yukon, and as promised I am here to share my inspiring experience in a two part blog post.

Today I will be sharing  a bit about my tour experiences and a lot about the organization.   Including the #HomeForDinner  initiative,  an amazing community fundraising for Ronald McDonald House B.C & Yukon.  The second post will be a recap of a #HomeForDinner event that I will be helping to coordinate with my amazing village of #StevestonMothers .

So without further adieu lets talk about the amazing establishment that is Ronald McDonald House B.C & Yukon

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Sustainable Snacking & Food Storage

Sustainable snackingWhen you start to switch out items in your home for more natural or reusable items, the kitchen is a great place to start, and what better way then with sustainable snacking and food storage.

So you are asking yourself the question…….Am I super crunchy? Super frugal? Super DIY?  Did I make my Beeswax wraps right after I attended my underwater basket weaving class?  The answers is NO to all of the above.

I simply want to make more sustainable environmental choices.  So In honor of Back-to-school and the dreading task of making lunches.  Here are a few of my favorite sustainable snacking and food storage wins.

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Comfort Zones……Not so Comfortable

Comfort zonesLast week I posted about fear and adventure and comfort zones in the Gram…..and it’s been floating around in m mind since.

Reflecting on my recent sprint triathlon and the fear and anxiety I had leading up to it. Most recently the Facebook live that I completed that was an entire 16minturs, and had me loosening more sleep than the triathlon….and for what??? I lived through both with my dignity in tact.

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International Women’s Day- Women are Awesome!

It’s International Women’s Day (IWD), a day to honor and celebrate the cultural, social, economic and political achievements of women. It’s a day to remind ourselves why women  are so amazing.

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Cheers to New Years!

New Year’s Eve is like the celebrity when it comes to days of the year!

When  we are younger,  we hear people talk excitedly about the New Year celebrations they’d be having, the TV specials they’d be watching, the New Year’s Eve ball drop and countdown they’d be awaiting.  Patiently anticipating the day when we would finally be old enough to stay up late and enjoy all the magic ourselves.  Then finally when we are old enough to enjoy the thrill  of it all the novelty only last a few year.  Only to be renewed again when you reach the legal age of majority,  but this novelty eventually wears off too.

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