Take your workout OUTDOORS

As the weather thaws, April showers bring the May flowers, and the days get longer, it’s Spring—and the best time of the year to take your fitness routine outside.

I mean who wants to go to the gym for a workout on a gorgeous day. With a little creativity and imagination, you can replicate almost any gym exercise outside. Why drive to a gym to use a stair-climbing machine when almost any outdoor staircase can provide the same challenge? If you have a bike, take it out on a designated bike path for an outdoor cycling workout. Many parks have trails for running or walking that are much more enjoyable than running like a hamster on a wheel.

Here are five perks of outdoor exercise, with a bonus workout to try. Continue reading

2019 Vancouver Sun Race Review

Last weekend I participated in the Sunrun, life has been so crazy over here that its taken me a week to sit down and put my race review together…..but as they say, Better late then never.

For those of you not local to Vancity, the Sunrun has been around since 1985, it has become one of Canada largest races, with top notch organization.

Just to give you an idea of growth over the last 33 years; the first run attracted 3,200 participants and in 2017 an incredible 41,924 registrants signed up. 

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2 Stretches to Help Improve Hip Mobility

The weak link in many runners is their hips. Most likely the hip flexors are tight, and the glutes and the smaller stabilizing muscles are weak. This often leads to Patellofemoral pain syndrome, more commonly known as “runners knee,” Iliotibial band syndrome and tight lower backs. How does this happen?

It starts with lack of strength training and mobility exercises, poor running mechanics, overuse, and sitting for long periods of time.

Here are two  stretches  to help loosen the hip flexors,. Finding the time to incorporate these into your routine to help avoid injury.

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