Essential Oils for Halloween Hangover Help

Essential oils Halloween hangoverGot a post-Halloween candy hangover? I might have “tested” my sons goodies a little over-zealously!

This week I’m focusing on my fruits and veggies to try and equalize the crap-to-healthy intake ratio.

I’ve also got these three oils on hand to help erase my sugary binge, details below.

Essential Oils for Halloween Hangovers


doTerra DigestZen oil1. DigestZen:

this blend brings together the superhero oils of tummy trouble, like Ginger, Fennel, Peppermint & Coriander. I just rub a couple of drops on my stomach and the discomfort of having munched through a hand-full of chocolate disappears.

For days when you really overdo it (like a Super Bowl Sunday carb fest), you can take a drop in a glass of water for quick relief.



Slim & Sassy essential oil2. Slim & Sassy:

everyone overdoes it once in awhile, but the key is to get back on track ASAP! This blend melds 5 potent oils (Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger & Cinnamon) together to support healthy metabolism.

Add a couple of drops to your water bottle to calm cravings and your stomach while helping control appetite. (Yep, it will keep you out of the kids’ candy bags)



Zendocrine®Zendocrine can help your boy detox from the sugar overload. Rub it over your stomach and the bottoms of your feet to help gently cleanse your system.  IF you need a stronger detox and you’re feeling brave, put a drop under your tongue or in a short glass with water. Be warned, its not a pleasant taste.

Hope these tips help your Halloween sugar Hangover. Moving on…new day, new month—Hello November!