My First Triathlon- 2019 North Shore Triathlon Race Recap

I have been contemplated and putting off attempting my first sprint triathlon for over 3 years.  Then I got pregnant so that provided a few years to hide behind excuses.  I had many doubts and fears that I could actually do it.  The transitions terrified me, and the whole concept of it really pushed me out of my comfort zone.  This year all the procrastination and excuses ended.

Read on for my experience participating in the North Shore Sprint Triathlon.

Besides teaching indoor- cycling class, my biking consists of rolling through Steveston on my cruiser bike.  Swimming – well, my swimming as of lately consist of a lot of splashing, sliding and wave pool bobbing.

So why, was the finish line of my first sprint triathlon such a glorious place to reach??  Was it because I had swam 444M, biked 17.6KM and ran 5km??  Or was it because I had overcame my doubts and fears and forged ahead to complete what at times seemed like an impossibility? I think you know the answer. And, the best part: You can do it too.

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