How Do I Want to Feel? 2019 Goal Recap

2019 Goal RecapIf you have been following along over the years then you know that the year end brings us to another THREE part goal setting SERIES.  In this post I will review my wins for 2019 as well as the areas I fell short.  Stay tuned for part two and three, where I will review my goal setting process, and offer a FREE workbook for download.  The third post where I will share my 2020 goals and #2020Feels.

In 2019 my core feeling focus was Authenticity, Abundance, Vitality, and Calm.  My word for the year was BUILD…..I will build my self-worth, I will build my community, I will build my business, and I will build my spiritual practice. Click below for my full 2019 goal reacap.

I hope you follow along and we can work together to make 2020 OUR best year yet!


It was hard to imagine another year full of as much love and excitement as the last two, but we did it again!  

Another big year in our household…..This year marked my Fortieth trip around the sun, and with that a personal bests 5km and 10km time. Adrian ran his first full marathon.  Our oldest hit the age of majority with a 19th birthday.  Our middle son discovered a passion for sports, and our youngest left his crib for a big boy bed and turned in the diapers for underwear.

2019 Feels- Goal recep FITNESS Goals

  1. Calm & well-adjusted – return to my pre –baby morning workout routine 3 days a week. Hitting the gym or running with a minimum of one long run per week.  Success I have been running  in the morning at 5:20am for almost a year weather permitting.  Plus I have managed to fit the gym in for an average of 30-45 minutes 3-4 times a week.
  2. Proud and Vital –I  WILL run the BMO half marathon in 1 hour and 55 minutes.  Short Fall I completed the BMO in 2 hours and 19 seconds, falling 5 minutes and 19 seconds short. 🙁
  3. Bold and Challenged –I will complete a sprint triathlon.  Success I completed the North shore sprint Triathlon in 1:31:55.

2019 Was definitely a year of Fitness both personally and professionally.

PERSONAL Development

  • Confident and self aware- I will continue personal development, by reading 5 more self-development books, and exploring PTSD organizations and resources available.  Fell short, I read a whopping 1 self help book this year, and 2 fiction novels.  I really just didn’t make time for this.
  • Positive & Energized I will continue to practice #PositiveAffirmations and #IntentionSetting daily and weekly. Success, I continued with this practice and think the one that resonated with me the most this year is,  “Other people do not control my emotions.”
  • Optimistic-I will focus on solutions and opportunities rather than problems by surrounding myself with positive reminders, journaling and include a daily gratitude practice through stretching, meditation, or whatever else moves me.  Success, I found my release through my morning runs, and this years emphasis was less on what others thought of me, and more on how I made others feel.


  1. Vivacious and Connected – I will complete one Obstacle adventure race. Success I completed Tough Mudder Whistler this past June.
  2. Adventurous and Inspired – I will travel to a minimum of one city that I have never been to…..Any suggestions??  Plus I will participate in a hike or Adventure activity that I have never done.   Fell short, we didn’t make it to a city I have never been to. We did however complete one of our Family Famous “Nature walks” on the Sunshine Coast, where we ended up getting lost for a few hours…..not sure if that counts. 😉
  3. Love & Connection– I will make more time for romance and not feel bad for needing a babysitter to do so.  I will stop procrastinating and start planning  our wedding. Partial Success, we made lots of time for romance and took advantage of babysitting nights.  I started to look into planning a wedding and got spooked yet again…..I want to have a wedding but for the money that it costs I would much rather take my family on a week vacation. 


  • Accomplished– Add a complimentary value added service to my existing mix. Which will 2019 Business Goalsprovide more opportunities, while adding content and value for my community.  Success I incorporated Doterra Essential oils into both my personal life and by professional life.
  • Connected-  Despite last year’s monstrous success and exposure, I still felt something was missing…CONNECTION, and ENGAGEMENT.  So For 2019 I will focus on developing the #Venusfitness Community and brand, and I hope you will be a part of it! Partial success, I focused hard on building a community through giveaways and engagement, but I really didn’t see the value compared to the amount of personal effort I put it. Turns out personal connection is still the way to go….But are we really surprised?!
  • Purpose & Valued- I want to run more giveaways and contests. Partnering up with other platforms to offer these campaigns will help to offer more value to my community while helping to build it at the same time.  Success, I did more giveaways,m and offered more value, but with minimal engagement it really didn’t seem to justify my time or effort. Lesson learnt.


  1. Prosperous- Adding an additional stream and making a minimum of $2500 by year end in said income stream. Success, although this happened, I do have to say that although I earned an additional $2500 this year I also spend a significant amount on my new health and wellness lifestyle. So in the end this was a wash.
  2. Responsible– Continue to contribute to my RRSP Plans, supplement my TFSA while saving for our coming wedding. Partial success, we have continued to save RRSP and TFSA, but any money we were saving for a wedding was diverted after I got spooked by the $10K plus price tags.


We have had lucky enough to have had another incredible years, and I am confident that  2020 isn’t going to disappoint.  So as I close the door on another inspiring year of Fitness, Family, and Fun  I open another door, not just to 2020 but the possibility and adventure that a new decade  will bring.

Wish you a Happy Holiday and Joyous New Year!

May 2020 be your best year yet!

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